Monday, August 28, 2017

All New Animal Jokes!

Every once in a while I get hit, bit and bothered - hot under the collar even - but the bug. No! It's not a virus! It's the animal joke writing bug! For some reason, it happened to me the other day and I have a bunch of animal jokes for everyone! You are free to use these jokes whenever you want, just be sure to tell people you heard them from ANDY LAM!

What is a gorilla's favorite month?

What kind of fish never takes the train?
A flying fish!

What do you call a young dog's first romance?
Puppy love!

What does a cat throw on the side of the road?
Kitty litter!

What is a dog's favorite jewelry?
A dog collar!

What are cows' favorite characters from the old west?

What is a dog's favorite month?

What do you call it when you have bugs in your trousers?
Ants in your pants!

What do bees like to drink?

What is the most expensive fish?

What kind of dance do hens do?
The chicken dance!

What do bugs read to get the news?

What dance to hamsters like?
The hamster dance!

What kind of bug comes out in a storm?
Lightning bugs!

What kind of bugs to hippie's smoke?

What kind of bugs to men like to dance with?

What kinds of bugs are really tall?
Daddy long legs!

What kinds of ponies can fly?
Horse flies!

What kind of mice are very quiet?
Church mice!

What kind of eels can charge your smartphone?
Electric eels!

What kind of animals are blind?

What kind of bugs are the most religious?
Praying mantis!

What kind of bug is always running away?
A flea!

What kind of bug roars?
Ant lions!

What kind of animal can't climb a tree?
An elephant!

What kind of animal can't ride in a VW bug?
A rhinoceros!

What kind of animal doesn't fit in a really small fish tank?
A blue whale!

What animal never wears shoes?
A worm!

This is only the tip of the animal joke iceberg! I will be posting more as I think of them!

With the perfect joke for every occasion, I am . . .


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